Valerio Setti: XXV cicle, Thesis title: “Hollow core fibers for terahertz applications”
Currently Software and Firmaware developer for embedded devices, DataLogic s.p.a., IT



Marco Natali: XXVII cicle, Thesis title: “Integration of innovative photonic structures into field-effect light-emitting devices: implementation and characterization”
Currently Post-doctoral Researcher CNR-ISMN, IT



Fabio Giovanardi: XXXII cicle, Thesis title: “Design of innovative optical sensors”
Currently Post-doctoral Researcher, INAF (Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica), IT



Stefano Lenzini: XXXIV cicle, Thesis title: “Automotive Antennas for V2X Communications”
Currently Antenna Engineer, ASK Industries, IT